The Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) is hosted and organized by Bristol Vision Institute at the University of Bristol.  PCS is the pioneer conference in this area and, since 1969, has provided the most engaging forum for the visual coding community attracting world-leading academics and industrialists. PCS typically attracts industrial and academic experts from across the globe. Topics for PCS2021 include (but are not limited):

  • Coding of still and moving pictures; Model-based and synthetic coding
  • Multimodal coding and processing; Compression of virtual, augmented and mixed reality
  • 360-degree and multi-view video coding; Representation, analysis and coding of 3D scenes
  • Machine-learning for image/video analysis and compression. Datasets for training and testing
  • Emerging standards for visual data coding; Coding of screen content and desktop sharing
  • Perceptually optimized objective quality metrics; Subjective quality assessment
  • Transcoding and adaptive streaming; Error robustness, resilience and concealment
  • Network-, edge- and cloud-based coding; Optimized streaming
  • Low complexity video compression; Energy management in compression
  • Hardware architectures
  • Real-time video communication; both peer-to-peer and multi-party video conferencing
  • Protection and integrity of visual data

Images © Bristol Vision Institute

News and Updates

06 Jul 2021: Announcing the PCS 2021 Award Winners
30 Jun 2021: The video presentations from this year’s event will be made available after each session on the PCS YouTube Channel
25 Jun 2021: The schedule of group and one-to-one mentoring sessions are now available. Request for a Session
15 Jun 2021: The official PCS2021 Conference Platform is Now Open. Once you have registered you can now access the event from the Whova Web Application, or the Mobile App. See Registration for more details.
19 May 2021: Registration Opens.  Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors we have been able to offer FREE registration.
15 Apr 2021: Author notifications emailed out, including instructions on how to submit Camera-Ready papers using the IEEE eXpress platform. Deadline 28 Apr.
12 Feb 2021: Due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, PCS 2021 is moving to a virtual event. This was a difficult decision, but the safety and well-being of our participants is our utmost priority.

Plenary Speakers

Jill Boyce
Intel Fellow and Chief Media Architect

Dr. Christian Timmerer
Head of research and standardization, Bitmovin Inc. Associate professor multimedia communication, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt

Shan Liu
Distinguished Scientist and General Manager, Tencent

Panel Discussion: Real-Time Video in the COVID-19 Era

COVID-19 has brought real-time video communication at the forefront of the international agenda and compressed about a decade’s worth of consumer innovation in only a few months. People of all ages have been spending endless hours talking with friends, family members, teachers, work colleagues, banking representatives, doctors, etc. over a video connection on a phone, table, or personal computer. There is probably no human activity that we, as a society, have not examined how to conduct over video during the last year, and probably several for which we found how to do them better. This panel will explore the role and challenges of real-time video in the COVID-19 and post-pandemic era: codec support, multi-platform challenges, scaling to millions of users, as well as advanced usability and automation features that make day-to-day video communication easier and more effective. 

Alex Eleftheriadis
Chief Scientist, Enghouse Vidyo & Big Pi Ventures (moderator)

Thomas Davies
Principal Engineer, Collaboration Technology Group, Cisco

Shan Liu
Distinguished Scientist and General Manager, Tencent

Bernard Aboba
Principal Architect, Microsoft

Michael Horowitz
Software Engineer, Google

Li-Tal Mashiach


Diamond Sponsor

Plantinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


Technical Co-Sponsor

About Bristol

PCS 2021 will be hosted virtually by the University of Bristol, UK. Bristol is a vibrant waterfront city that is well known internationally for its multi-cultural environment, its architecture and green spaces, its cluster of creative industries and its world-leading university. It is a UNESCO City of Film and the home of many well-known artists and organizations such as Banksy, the BBC Natural History Unit and Aardman Animations. It is known as the Green Hollywood, based on its reputation for natural history filmmaking. Bristol was European Green Capital in 2015. It is a place which inspires creativity and is one of the most attractive places (Sunday Times) to work and live in the UK.

PCS 2021 starts in:
