Call for Special Sessions

The PCS2021 technical program will include a series of Special Sessions that complement the regular sessions by focusing on important emerging research topics. Hence, each Special Session should be a focused effort on a specific research topic.

The call for Special Sessions is now closed. The full list of accepted Special Sessions can be found on PCS 2021 Programme page.

Important Dates

Proposal Submission 29 September 2020
15 September 2020
Notification of Special Session Acceptance 2 October 2020
30 September 2020

How to Submit a Proposal

Prospective organizers of Special Sessions are invited to submit proposals with the following information:

  • A title for the Special Session and the names of the organizers.
  • A brief description of the session (max 250 words), indicating the novelty and the importance of the topic.
  • Short biographies of the Special Session organizer(s) and their contact information.
  • List of five (5) invited papers (including titles, authors, contact information of the corresponding author, and a short abstract). Note: individual organizers should not be named on more than one paper.
  • Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic as well as the track record of the organizers and the anticipated quality of papers in the proposed session.
  • The papers in each accepted Special Session should be submitted in the same format as regular papers.
  • All contributed papers will undergo a review process, similar to that for regular papers, but coordinated by the Special Session organizers.
  • In cases where insufficient invited papers are accepted, there is the option of making Special Sessions open to papers from the open call.
  • Special Sessions will be scheduled as oral sessions.

Additional Information

Any further inquiries should be sent to the Special Sessions Chair, Dr Matteo Naccari: from the Matteo Naccari, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa – Portugal, and Audinate, Cambridge – UK

Image courtesy of Destination Bristol – Copyright Jim Cossey