- Lukáš Krasula
- Netflix.
- 30/06/2021
- 16.20-16.40
- One-to-One
Lukáš Krasula is a research scientist in Netflix’s Encoding Technologies Team. He spends most of his days trying to figure out how to improve objective video quality metrics and how to reliably measure subjectively perceived quality of images and videos. He holds a double Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Radioelectronics from the University of Nantes, France, and Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, respectively. Before joining Netflix, Lukas worked as an Image Quality Engineer at Arm, UK, and as a post-doctoral researcher at Polytech Nantes, France. When he’s not working, you’d probably find him playing music, doing sports, reading, or watching movies. |
- Matteo Naccari
- Audinate UK.
- 01/07/2021
- 12.45-13.15
- Industrial Careers
- Group Session
My name is Matteo Naccari and I work as Lead Video Codec Engineer at Audinate UK in Cambridge. My field of expertise is video coding and processing technologies where have been working since 2004 when I started my M.Sc. Thesis in the field of video surveillance and then moved to work on my Ph.D. in the area of video coding. In these sixteen years of activity I could learn and contribute on topics such as moving object detection and tracking, video transcoding for digital video broadcasting, error resilient video coding, automatic video quality monitoring, perceptual video compression, development of the HEVC standard with its extensions and practical image coding schemes for applications such as docking, virtual reality gaming and video conferencing systems. The work in standardisation primarily involved the aspect of design of a particular coding tool or improvement of an existing tool, protection of the idea designed by filing a patent application and then presentation with defence of the technology in the standardisation committee. Since I started industry positions (BBC R&D first and now Audinate) I actively participated to the development of both international and proprietary compression formats for image and video content. Moreover, I had many opportunities to follow the so-called deployment phase of several compression formats whereby the tool set of each standard should be evaluated in light of a given application scenario, along with the selection of the set of parameter values to deliver the best quality of experience to final users. |
- Mariana Afonso
- Netflix
- 02/07/2021
- 16.40-17.00
- One-to-One
Currently working as a Senior Research Scientist in the Encoding Technologies team at Netflix. Our team is responsible for developing and maintaining the encoding pipeline and producing all video streams that are served to members around the globe. Further, as part of the Video Codecs & Research group, I work on multiple R&D projects which focus on video encoding optimization, video codec evaluation and comparison, quality metrics development and research for the next generation of video codecs. |
- Olena Chubach
- MediaTek
- 30/06/2021
- 15.00-15.20
- One-to-One
Olena is originally from Ukraine. She received her M.S. degree in applied mathematics from Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine, in 2010, and her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2018. She is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie alumna of the PROVISION Project on PeRceptually Optimised VIdeo CompresSION. Olena Chubach joined MediaTek Inc. San Jose, USA, in June 2018. She currently works as a Staff Engineer with the Multimedia Technology Development Division. She is also assigned as a standardization delegate for MediaTek in video compression. She has been representing the Company at the international video coding standard meetings, quarterly held by the JVET (Joint Video Experts Team) of ISO/IEC MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) and ITU-T VCEG (Video Coding Experts Group). Olena’s research interests include video coding algorithms and related A.I. technologies. |
- Pui Anantrasirichai
- University of Bristol.
- 02/07/2021
- 12.30-12.50
- One-to-One
Dr Nantheera Anantrasirichai (Pui) is currently a Senior Lecturer in Intelligent Creative Technologies in the Department of Computer Science at Bristol. Previously she was a Senior Research Fellow associated with the Bristol and Bath Creative Industry Cluster working on AI-enable production. Her research interests include AI-based video production, image analysis and enhancement, medical imaging, and remote sensing. She has contributed to many projects across multiple disciplines, including engineering, psychology, biology and the creative arts. She has developed state-of-the-art methods for denoising long-range imagery distorted by atmospheric turbulence and for detecting ground deformation globally in noisy satellite imagery. |
- Fan (Aaron) Zhang
- University of Bristol
- 02/07/2021
- 12.30-12.50
- One-to-One
I am a Lecturer in Visual Communications within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol. I am also a member of the Visual Information Laboratory and the Bristol Vision Institute , which are led by Prof. David Bull. I have been involved in many research projects on video compression, quality assessment and creative technology. I have publishsed over 50 academic papers and have contributed to two books on video compression. My work on super-resolusion-based video compression, has contributed to international standardization processes. I was a co-winner of the 2017 IEEE ICIP Grand Challenge on Video Compression. |
- Christos Bampis
- Netflix
- 02/07/2021
- 15.00-15.20
- One-to-One
Senior software engineer at Netflix, Before that, I received my PhD from UT Austin working in image/video quality assessment and Quality of Experience. |
- Jens-Rainer Ohm
- RWTH Aachen University
- 12.45-13.15
- Group Session
Jens-Rainer Ohm (Member, IEEE) has been the Chair of the Institute of Communication Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, since 2000. He is currently serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, RWTH. He has authored textbooks on multimedia signal processing, analysis and coding, on communication engineering and signal transmission, as well as numerous articles from the fields mentioned above. His research and teaching activities cover the areas of multimedia signal processing, analysis, compression, transmission, and content description, including 3D and VR video applications, bio signal processing and communication, application of deep learning approaches in the given fields, as well as fundamental topics of signal processing and digital communication systems.,Since 1998, he has participated in the work of the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). He has been chairing/co-chairing various standardization activities in video coding, namely, the MPEG Video Subgroup from 2002 to 2018, the Joint Video Team (JVT) of MPEG and ITU-T SG 16 VCEG from 2005 to 2009, the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) since 2010, and the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) since 2015. He has served on editorial boards of journals and TPCs of various conferences. |
- Antonio Ortega
- 30/06/2021
- 12.45-13.15
- One-to-One
Antonio Ortega received the Telecommunications Engineering degree from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain in 1989 and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, New York, NY in 1994. His Ph.D. work was supported by the Fulbright Commission and the Ministry of Education of Spain. He joined the University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor in 1994 and is currently a Professor. He was Director of the Signal and Image Processing Institute and Associate Chair of Electrical Engineering-Systems. In 1995 he received the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a member of the ACM and of APSIPA. He has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and Area Editor for Feature Articles, Signal Processing Magazine. He was the technical program co-chair for ICIP 2008 and is technical program co-chair of PCS 2013. He has been a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) and Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) technical committees. He was Chair of the IMDSP committee in 2004-5. He was the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing. |
- Murat Tekalp
- Koc University
- 30/06/2021
- 12.45-13.15
- Academic Careers Group Session
A. Murat Tekalp received Ph.D. degree in Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York, in 1984, He was with Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York, from 1984 to 1987, and with the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, from 1987 to 2005, where he was promoted to Distinguished University Professor. He is currently Professor at Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey. He served as Dean of Engineering between 2010-2013. His research interests are in digital image and video processing, including video compression and streaming, video networking, and deep learning for image/video processing and compression.He has been elected as an IEEE Fellow and a member of Academia Europaea. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the EURASIP journal Signal Processing: Image Communication between 1999-2010. He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2007-2010) and the Proceedings of the IEEE (2014-2020). He chaired the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committee on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (Jan. 1996 – Dec. 1997). He was appointed as the General Chair of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) at Rochester, NY in 2002 and the Technical Program Co-Chair for EUSIPCO 2005 and IEEE ICIP 2020. He served in the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant Panels (2009-2015). He is currently in the Editorial Board of Wiley-IEEE Press. Dr. Tekalp has authored the Prentice Hall book Digital Video Processing (1995), a completely rewritten second edition of which is published in 2015. |
- Anil Kokaram
- Trinity College Dublin
- 01/07/2021
- 12.30-12.50
- One-to-One
Anil Kokaram graduated in 1993 with the PhD in Signal processing from the Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK. He is now Professor and Chair of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. From 2011-2017 he was the lead of the Media Algorithms Team at YouTube/Google. Before that he founded a media dsp group at Trinity www.sigmedia.tv working in the broad areas of DSP for Video Processing, Bayesian Inference and motion estimation. He has published over 200 refereed papers in these areas. He was a former Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Video Technology and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and currently serves as Senior Area Editor. He was founder of a company (GreenParrotPictures) producing video enhancement software that was acquired by Google in 2011. In 2007 he was honoured with a Science and Engineering Academy Award (Oscar) from the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his work in video processing for post-production applications. |